Lead by
Dr. A.K.Raina
Vice-President ( JKSC, Nagpur )
Contact : 9422806689
Lead by
Poonamji Gupta
Member ( JKSC, Nagpur )
Contact : 9971117609
History is one of the important aspects of culture of a civilization. Presentation of historical events and personalities in their true context and through established facts is one of the tenets of JKSC. Under this category, JKSC is committed to bring forth the historical facts with ample evidence, revive the historical past and bring the historical personalities of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh into limelight. This is being done through rigorous scrutiny of existing sources and at the same time generating evidence of plausible nature from unpublished literature. There are opportunities for students of history to contribute their work or initiate studies on unknown historical facts/personalities of the UTs through high level of research.